Roses are one the primary gifts given all around the globe. They have been associated with love as well as war. There is even a war called "The War of the Roses" which was fought in England in the 1400's, but most associate the plant with the symbol of love. This idea goes back to 500 B.C. where Venus, the goddess of love, was associated with the plant and it was her sister, the goddess of flowers, who create the rose.
There are over one hundred species of this plant and the plant itself dates back to about 35 million years ago. It has even been noted that people on the Asian continent started to cultivate the rose about 5 thousand years ago.
During the times when the Romans ruled the world slaves where forced by their rulers to grow this flower instead of food. The Romans even used them in their baths and fountain's as decorations. And in the 1600's the plant was in such huge demand that the law even stated that they could be used as legal tender.
Rose perfume is made from the petals and then made into rose oil. This is also called rose Otto. Rose oil is used more than any other ingredient in perfumes around the world.
Roses are also used in art and the first known painter to paint it was in Crete about 3500 years ago. The Catholic Church said the rose was the highest honor and it was used in many paintings for the church.
The berry fruits from the rose bush can be used to make wide variety of culinary dishes. You can add them to jellies, breads and stews, for example. These are also rich in vitamin C and such rose mixtures where even given to children during World War to help them stay in good health.
Scientists also believe that Osteoarthritis can be helped by using the plants powder. The powder is made from the hips of the plant. The hips have a high level of antioxidant which can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Herbal tea can also be made out of the rose. Again, the rose hip will be used for this. You boil the dried rose hips to make his tea.
With modern technology you can even get your picture or text on live roses. These are called speaking roses, or printed roses. Imagine surprising a loved one with a picture of you both on your bouquet of roses!